Tag Archives: tips

Valentines Day Coffee Deals 2013


Happy Valentines Day! If cupid put an arrow in your heart and this day is full of hearts and rainbows for you, I hope you enjoy your cherished time with your significant other. If today looks more like Single’s Awareness Day to you, no worries! BoiseCoffee has you covered. One thing we all have in common is our addiction to coffee, and it turns out that Valentines Day is a great day to score some great deals on coffee, beans, and equipment. Here are a list of links to help you find the best deals today.

If you find something that I missed, drop it in the comments!

The Coffee Guy


The Benefits of Making a Coffee Shop Your Office

An interesting article over at Fast Company talks about the benefits to doing work in a coffee shop, even when you have an office readily available. Some of the reasons include stimulating creativity, fewer distractions, and the ability to meet new people. The author also talks about how he doesn’t bring a power cord for his laptop as a way to give himself a backstop and a reason to focus.

Give the article a read for yourself.

I’ve always been a fan of setting up shop at cafes or coffee shops, especially when I’m in an unfamiliar town. There’s a sense of community that inherently comes with sitting down and enjoying your favorite hot beverage. Leaving my laptop charger at home is something I haven’t tried yet, but I think I’ll give it a shot next time I get the chance!

The Coffee Guy

Summer Coffee: Tips, Tricks, and Drink Ideas

There are few things I enjoy more than sleeping in on a summer day, brewing a cup of my favorite coffee, and reading a book or the news while the sun warms the air. For me, coffee has always been more than a stimulant: it’s a selah for me, a pause that allows me to appreciate whatever it is I’m doing while sipping.

While there may be a temptation to think of coffee as a “cold weather drink” – something to be enjoyed when the rain is pouring or the snow is falling – I’ve found it can be equally as enjoyable, or sometimes more enjoyable on a hot summer day. Here’s a list of some summer coffee tips, tricks, and drink ideas.

  • Go big or go home. Iced coffee from cafes is usually about half beverage and half ice. Don’t feel bad about getting a bigger size – you’re actually only drinking about half that.
  • Try shots over ice. Two or three espresso shots on ice in a 12 oz cup can give your day a quick jolt without making you sweat on a hot day.
  • Make a milkshake. A twitter follower of mine, Tandy Sinclair, says she loves making a coffee milkshake with her own ice cream on a hot day.
  • Give cold brew a try. The first time I had cold brew I was blown away. It tends to be less acidic and more flavor-intensive when it comes to extracting the hidden notes in coffee. Here’s one method.
  • Keep an eye out. Coffee shops will often release new drinks, have summer specials, and even “happy hour” type discounts. For instance, Caribou Coffee just launched a new selection of teas for the summer.

Have your own summer coffee tips? Leave them in the comments!

The Coffee Guy