Tag Archives: review

Coffee Apps

The Best Coffee Apps

Coffee AppsI’m a strong believer in using technology to make the things I do every day a little easier. The rise of smartphones and tablets has made the ubiquitous “app” not only popular, but powerful. Apple’s popular “there’s an app for that” campaign is true if my iPhone’s homescreen is any indication, and with the number of interested developers out there, it’s safe to say things are just getting started. So what are the best coffee apps, and what gives them that title?

The apps that this post deals with are those that have to do with making your coffee-making experience a little easier. Some of them have timers, some include information about beans, and some have maps with their shop locations built in. All of them are high-quality software, and I’m happy to have them on my phone. I think you will too.

The apps I’m discussing are Intelligentsia, Bean Seeker, and Bloom [iTunes links]. Additionally, I am reviewing the apps released for iOS. I cannot comment on any versions on other platforms.


Intelligentsia coffee has become one of the most popular names in the specialty coffee community, and for good reason. Their beans are fresh, their passion is ever-present, and their experience is nearly untouchable. Check out this great video that shows their passion front-and-center.

When I stumbled onto Intelligentsia’s iPhone app, I was extremely excited. I’ve never seen them put out a product that is less-than-exceptional.

Their app has four main sections with buttons at the bottom of the app: Coffee, Brewing, Brew Timer, and About. The ‘Coffee’ section has their bean offerings separated into “Single Origin,” “Black Cat Espresso,” and “Blends and Decaf Coffee” with beautiful images accompanying bean types. The ‘Brewing’ section has six different brew methods to choose from: Cafe Solo, Pourover, Chemex, Cupping, Siphon Brewer, and French Press. Tapping on any of these will bring up a comprehensive, illustrated, step-by-step brewing guide for that method. The ‘Brew Timer’ section has a timer that uses pre-installed times from the previously mentioned brew methods to help you get your extraction times just right. Unfortunately, it is not customizable. The ‘About’ section includes links to Intelligentsia’s website and twitter page. Check out the slideshow below for screenshots from the app. As you can tell, this app was developed for pre-iPhone 5 screens. Due to this, my app was letterboxed. Hopefully they will come out with an updated version soon.


Bean Seeker

Chinatown Coffee is located in Chinatown, Washington D.C. I had the pleasure of visiting them last summer, and my experience was very positive. When I found their app, I was thrilled. Their app features a vertical list of options upon launching: World Coffee Map, Menu, Coffee, Brew Methods, and About. ‘World Coffee Map’ has three sub-options: Nearby, Browse, and Submit. ‘Nearby’ pulls up a map with your location, and options to search at varying distances away from you to find a quality, specialty coffee shop. ‘Submit’ brings up links to Email  or Tweet to Chinatown about a location you think they should add. ‘Browse’ is the most powerful of the three options, allowing you to pick your continent and city of choice to find great coffee shops. Unfortunately, Boise isn’t a current option (they better fix that!)

The other sections of the app are similar to Intelligentsia’s offerings, but less robust. Their ‘Brew Methods’ only feature Chemex, French Press, and Pour Over. You can also find Chinatown’s menu so that you know exactly what to order next time you’re in the area.

This app was letterboxed as well due to being designed for pre-iPhone 5 screens. Screenshots are below.


Bloom is by far the best of the three apps discussed in this post. While it won’t help you when you’re out on the town looking for coffee shops, it is indispensable when it comes to home brewing. Bloom is exclusively a coffee timer/recipe maker, and it comes with plenty of pre-set options: Aeropress, Beehouse, Bonmac, Chemex, Clever, Eva Solo, French Press, Kalita Wave, Siphon, and V60.

Each preset comes with the recommended coffee/water ratio, bloom time, steep time, and pour time. The best part about Bloom, however, is its ability to be customized. Any of the recipes can be tweaked according to your personal preferences or type of bean. You can make entirely new recipes as well. Then, when you’re ready to start brewing, all you have to do is tap the play button.

Bloom keeps track of those recipes you used recently under the “recent” header for easy access. It’s become my regular go-to app for simple and consistent brewing.


Do you have any coffee apps that you regularly use? Drop me a link in the comment box!

The Coffee Guy


Intelligentsia app
Bean Seeker

Bill’s Beans: Delicious Coffee from Southeast Idaho Microroaster

Bill's Logo

I stumbled onto Bill’s Beans after having a conversation with @ryHanson on Twitter. We communicate about what we’re drinking from time to time, and Ryan has made it clear that he swears by Bill’s Beans, a microroaster founded, owned, and operated by Bill Angle in Pocatello, Idaho. I’m from Idaho originally, and I’ve been to Pocatello a few times. Make no mistake, it’s a great place. But it’s not exactly known as a mecca of coffee.

I was hesitant from the get-go, but Idaho will always have a special place in my heart. BoiseCoffee started in Boise, after all, and I try to get back to my roots as often as I can. This seemed like a great opportunity, so I sent Bill a message about possibly reviewing his coffee. After a brief online exchange, my coffee was in the mail.

The Snapshot

bill_roasting-300x225 copy

First, a little about Bill’s Beans. His website says,

All coffee bean orders are roasted within 1-2 days of the date the order is place.
All coffee beans are roasted at an elevation of 6014 ft and are roasted in a Diedrich IR-7, an Idaho made roaster.
All coffee beans are roasted and shipped from Pocatello, Idaho.
All coffee bean orders are a full pound (16oz), and come in a one way valve zip bag.

Bill just recently made the jump to selling his coffee online. His website isn’t perfect, but he does have fairly good descriptions of each coffee that is available to purchase. He sent me “Bill’s Blend” and “Bill’s Espresso Blend.” Let’s get started.


The Coffee

Bill’s Blend

Bill’s blend smelled delicious when I opened the bag: like a chocolate cake. The smell filled the room instantly, and I loved it. I brewed Bill’s Blend in my Clever drip brewer and received varying results depending on the coffee-water ratio that I used. The best result I got was when I used 26 grams of coffee with 380 grams of water. This cup was clear and had a solid taste full of deep, low nutty notes. Brief flashes of acidity sparked my palette throughout the cup, creating an interesting combination of low notes and high notes that was more than welcome. I could tell that this was a blend right out, but it was definitely one of the better blends I’ve tried.

The cup kept me coming back for more, and I highly recommend purchasing a bag for yourself.


Bill’s Espresso Blend

I encountered an immediate problem when I opened Bill’s Espresso Blend: I don’t have an espresso machine. However, I do have an Aeropress, and it can adequately be used to create what I like to call “fakespresso”; a highly concentrated shot of coffee, but not pulled with enough pressure to deem it true espresso. I haven’t indulged in fakespresso in a while, and I was excited to give Bill’s Espresso Blend a try. The results were incredible.

Bill’s Espresso Blend pulled some of the best shots I’ve ever had, and the best I’ve ever had using an Aeropress. Strong chocolate notes rang through with some nutty notes, akin to what I experienced with Bill’s Blend. However, they were intertwined in such a way that the best word I can use to describe the taste is “Almond Hershey’s Bar.” And it really was like a delicious candy bar in a shot. The acidity of the shot was present, but fairly even and played off the tongue nicely. There wasn’t any sour aftertaste, which was great. This would make excellent espresso to go with any desert after dinner.

Final Thoughts

Bill’s Beans was the definition of what I think of when I hear the word “microroaster”: a small, relatively unknown roaster who produces an excellent product. It was evident that Bill’s almost 20 years of roasting experience really make his coffee unique and delicious. His shipping prices vary depending on where you live in the U.S., but I would highly recommend you give him a shot. Pun totally intended.

Bill’s Beans online:

The Coffee Guy

Rogers Family Company Coffee: the Intersection of Commodity and Specialty

rgctm_logo Commodity coffee and specialty coffee are viewed as polar opposites in the coffee community today. In reality, they are appealing to two very different markets. On one hand, commodity coffee is looking for the every day coffee consumer that grew up drinking tar from a mug. They want to wake up, open their can of coffee grounds (a la Maxwell House or Folgers), and feel the familiar “click” of pressing the button on their time-weathered coffee pot. Specialty coffee, on the other hand, is meeting the needs of the coffee enthusiast and the coffee professional. Often, all it takes for the “every day consumer” to turn into the “coffee enthusiast” is to have a single cup of specialty coffee. Still, the division exists. Coffee enthusiasts and professionals are seeking to upgrade their ritual to the whirrr of a burr grinder and the smell of their brew as it blooms in a Chemex or V60.

Is it possible to meet somewhere in the middle? My initial response is no. But Rogers Family Company challenged this notion when they sent me four of their coffees to try: the Fog Chaser, French Roast, Colombia Supremo, and Breakfast Blend. Let’s get started.

The Snapshot

The Rogers Family Company (RFC) website is wrought with large, high definition images all throughout. It touts specials, coupons, and various tiers of pricing, and is easy to navigate. It’s clear they have a great team of professionals that know what they’re doing, but ironically it lacks the very thing that stands out about their name: a sense of family. It feels more like the Walmart of coffee than it does a small-town Mom & Pop store. That’s not necessarily a negative, but it’s something that jumped out at me.

The coffee that I received was pre-ground and in sample-size 2oz bags. The ground size wasn’t specified on the bag or on the included receipt, and the bags weren’t resealable. This meant two things for me: first, I didn’t know what I was supposed to brew it with. I opened one of the bags and saw that it was probably a slightly-coarse Medium grind, which means trying the coffees in a French Press was a no-go; luckily my press pot broke a couple weeks ago anyways. That leaves me with an Aeropress and Clever. Luckily, both of these brewers do a good job of extracting the unique tastes of coffees even if the grind size isn’t perfect.

The second thing this meant for me is that I would have to consume all of the coffee relatively quickly. Despite the bags’ claims that the “specialty valve” on the packaging, combined with the vacuum sealing, kept the coffee at “roaster fresh” taste, ground coffee is ground coffee. I didn’t know when it was roasted, when it was ground, or how long it was exposed to air before being packaged. As soon as I cut the top off each bag it was go time. Ground coffee takes about two or three days to go stale when directly exposed to air.

Drink it fast!

Because I only received sample sized bags, I can’t speak for the usual customer experience when RFC ships out coffee. But I can say this – a little bit of detail goes a long way. Tonx coffee, for instance, provides zip-lock resealable tops built into their bags. In addition, while I was sent pre-ground coffee, whole bean coffee is the default setting when you go to purchase form RFC’s website. I recommend to always buy whole bean coffee so that you can grind it to the proper size for whatever brew method you choose. In addition, whole bean coffee stays fresher longer.

The Coffee

When it comes to taste, RFC walks a fine line between commodity coffee and specialty coffee. The coffee I was sent to test was under their “San Francisco Bay” name, which appears to be their flagship brand. It’s all arabica coffee, so in that sense it is very much on the specialty coffee side of things. However, with one exception, the coffees all seemed rather mediocre. Not bad, not awful, not gross. But definitely not up to par with Intelligentsia, Counter Culture, or Stumptown. Still, it’s worth pointing out the good and bad in each individual roast.

Fog Chaser

Unsurprisingly, this coffee had a hazy taste, with some dark woody notes. Aptly named, to be sure. It flared with some acidity on the edges of my tongue, which was welcome, but overall played very bland notes. Hints of apple and wood – or is it applewood? – floated in and out of the cup. I didn’t dislike this roast, but it didn’t especially stick out.

Colombia Supremo

Very palatable coffee, and definitely closer to specialty coffee quality. This was my second favorite roast and provided rich, earthy tones. It had some slight burnt notes as well, which were unwelcome. Overall, this coffee was worth a second cup.

French Roast

This was by far my least favorite of the four. The packaging reads, “We roast this longer, turning the beans almost black, and brining the natural oils out, for an intense, caramelized taste.” In my tests I could see what they meant by “carmelized” and “oils,” but I don’t think it had the desired affect. The coffee tasted like ash and was closer to Starbucks than it was to anything else. Which, I suppose, is still a leg up from Folgers, so it’s not all bad.

Rogers Family Coffee Breakfast Blend

Breakfast Blend

This was easily my favorite roast. The coffee smelled delicious coming out of the package and while brewing. It produced a light and easy going cup, but with a nice solid body. It was consistent with a smooth finish, and I thoroughly enjoyed drinking it. Notes of maple and oak permeated the cup, and I can definitely say it would have gone nice with some bacon and flapjacks.



Final Thoughts

I think RFC believes in their product, and strives to make it the best that they can. I also think they are appealing to a different audience than, say, Counter Culture Coffee is. Nowhere on their website do they tout the “specialty coffee” moniker – instead they refer to their product as gourmet coffee. And in that sense, they 100% accomplish their goal. RFC’s product is better than any you will pick up in a can from your grocery store – it really is gourmet. Can a company walk the line between commodity coffee and specialty coffee? Rogers Family Coffee appears to do it with ease and, if appearances are any indication, it has served them well.

In principle I cannot recommend them above Tonx, Stumptown, or your local specialty coffee roaster. I can say that if you need an alternative to the stale can of Folgers sitting in your cupboard, RFC is definitely a step up. Their business principles are solid, their product is good, and they have a passion for what they do.

The Coffee Guy

Find Rogers Family Coffee here:
