The Coffee Experience

Java Jive – The NYT takes on Coffee Vocabulary

Ever heard of a Bro ‘Spro? How about a Facemelter? This post caught my eye on the front page of the /r/coffee subreddit earlier today. Ben Schott, a contributing columnist from the New York Times, put the below image together depicting various terms, phrases, and monikers used in local coffee shops across the United States.

The image below is a thumbnail to the full image, which can be viewed at the original article here. If you get stuck behind the NYT paywall, click on the thumbnail below for the full image.

Click for the full NYT image

The Coffee Guy

The Subculture of Specialty Coffee

Thrash Lab put a great video together which profiles three specialty coffee roasters/houses. LAMILL Coffee, Handsome Roasters, and Blue Bottle Coffee. Without giving too much away, it’s a great look into what it takes to create great coffee, and the types of people that work together to get the bean to the roaster, to the mug, to your hands. Check it out!

The Coffee Guy

New Look, Same Great Taste

Welcome to the new, improved,! If you’re coming from the old, you’ll notice a few changes. I’ve updated a few aesthetics of the blog to reflect the type of environment I enjoy when drinking coffee – simple, clean, and homey.

If you were subscribed to the rss feed of my site, you don’t need to change anything. I’ve updated everything through feedburner, so you’re good to go.

There are some great things on the horizon for BoiseCoffee, so stay tuned! I’m currently working on a project that could make some fun ripples in the coffee community. As that project moves toward testing and finalization, you’ll be the first to know.

For those of you who have followed this blog since its beginning, thank you so much for your continued support. For the newbies who are reading this post as their first – welcome! This blog very much reflects my evolution from coffee consumer to coffee enthusiast – and the transformation is far from complete. I invited you to join me in this conversation about coffee – a beverage that brings people together from all parts of the world in community. I look forward to future adventures and memories.

The Coffee Guy

Also, here’s a cool Vine I just made!