The Coffee Experience

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving and Coffee

Happy ThanksgivingThanksgiving: a day friends and family share in a holiday marked with tradition and community. A day when people can come together, share conversations, laughs, and excellent food with each other. A day when, despite Uncle Ernie’s bad odor and Aunt Bertha’s horrendously long and boring stories, family can love on each other.

So, why write about it on a coffee blog?
I have a theory: I think Thanksgiving and coffee are connected in more way’s then one. Let’s examine these similarities.

Thanksgiving- Wake up and turn on the TV to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Coffee- Wake up to turn the coffee pot on and then watch the clock hoping you won’t be late for work.

Thanksgiving- Relax all day long, tell stories, and smell food cooking.
Coffee- Relax during each individual sip, savor the stories each burst of flavor tells your mouth, and smell the aroma.

Thanksgiving- Sit down at a large table with friends, give thanks for life and for the food, and eat like there’s no tomorrow.
Coffee- Take a seat at the local coffee shop, crack the laptop and get on Facebook, thank god there’s free internet, and drink the delicious mocha set before you.

Thanksgiving- All the guys head to the T.V. room while the ladies clean up the kitchen. They turn on the game, and let the good times roll.
Coffee- Leave your empty cup for the barista to clean up, head to your car, start the engine, then weave in and out of traffic with your espresso-buzz to thank.

Thanksgiving- Males: Spend the night reminiscing, growing sleepy as the tryptophan kicks in, and eventually wishing everyone good night.
Females: Spend the night reminiscing, decide to stay up all night because you’ll be getting up at 3am for Black Friday anyways, and stop by your local coffee shop on the way to said shopping.
Coffee- Males: Drink their coffee either extremely black, or extremely sweet (no middle ground), crash due to caffeine overload regardless of what drink they chose, and eventually fall asleep on the couch later that night while watching their favorite episode of Friends.
Females: Stay up all night so they can go shopping at Black Friday. On their way they order their coffee skinny, 3 shots but half calf, an extra shot of syrup, extra hot, double cupped, and with two small black straws.

I hope everybody has a Happy Thanksgiving, and a great Black Friday!

The Coffee Guy